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Górski, P., Kozupa, M. (2012). Variable Sound Insulation Structure with MFC Elements. Archives of Acoustics, 37(1), 115-120.

Kotarbińska, E., Kozłowski, E. (2009). Measurement of effective noise exposure of workers wearing ear-muffs. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), 15(2), 193-200.

Kowalski, P., Zając, J. (2012). Research on Simultaneous Impact of Hand–Arm and Whole-Body Vibration. International Journal Of Occupational Safety And Ergonomics (JOSE), 18, No.1, 59-66.

Kowalski, P., Zając, J. (2010). Whole– body and hand – arm vibration in in-house transport. Archives of Acoustics, 35 (2), 183 – 190.

Kozłowski, E., Kotarbińska, E. (2007). Laboratory objective method for noise reduction measurements of ear-muffs. Archives of Acoustics, 32(2), 287-292.

Kozłowski E., Żera J., Kozłowski, Młyński R. (2011). Effect of Musician’s Earplugs on Sound Level and Spectrum During Musical Performances. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), 17, 3, p. 249-254.

Krukowicz, T. (2010). Active noise control algorithm based on a neural network and nonlinear input-output system identification model. Archives of Acoustics, 35(2), 191-202.

Martynowicz, P., Kowalski, P., Zając, J. (2012). Analiza symulacyjna semiaktywnego układu redukcji drgań fotela operatora samojezdnej maszyny roboczej. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 88(2), 157-160.

Mikulski, W., Radosz, J. (2011). Acoustics of Classrooms in Primary Schools-Results of the Reverberation Time and the Speech Transmission Index Assessments in Selected Buildings. Archives of Acoustics, 36(4), 777-793.

Młyński, R., Kozłowski, E. (2013). Determining Attenuation of Impulse Noise With an Electrical Equivalent of a Hearing Protection Device. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), 19(1), 127–141.

Młyński, R., Kozłowski, E., Żera, J. (2009). Attenuation of noise by motorcycle safety helmets. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), 15, 287-293.

Młyński R., Żera J. (2007). Effect of measurement method on an earmuff’s frequency response. Archives of Acoustics 32(4) Sup., 253–258.

Pleban, D. (2011). A Global Index of Acoustic Assessment of Machines—Results of Experimental and Simulation Tests. International Journal of Occupational Safetyand Ergonomics (JOSE), 17(3), 277-286.

Pleban, D. (2010). Method of acoustic assessment of machinery based on global acoustic quality index. Archives of Acoustics, 35(2), 223-235.

Pleban, D. (2007). Acoustic modelling of machines using the inversion method for the purposes of the acoustic assessment of machines. Archives of Acoustics, 32(2), 321-327.

Radosz, J. (2012). Influence of classrooms acoustics on the teachers' voice sound pressure level. Medycyna pracy, 63(4), 409.

Smagowska B. (2010) Noise at workplaces in the call center. Archives of Acoustics. 35(2), 253-264.

Żera, J., Młyński, R. (2007). Attenuation of high-level impulses by earmuffs. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122, 2082.

Kotarbińska E., Kozłowski E., Młyński R., (2006).Objective tests and assessment of acoustic properties of ear-plugs. Archives of Acoustics 31(4) Sup., p. 275-280.

Makarewicz, G., Matuszewski, G., Morzyński, L., Zawieska, W. (2000). An Adaptive System for Active Noise Reduction. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), 6, 13-22.

Morzyński, L., Makarewicz, G. (2003). Application of neural networks in active noise reduction systems. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics (JOSE), 9(3), 257.

Pleban, D. (1999). Computer simulation of the indices of the acoustic assessment of machines. Archives of Acoustics, 24(4), 443-454.

Pleban, D. (2004). Experimental Modelling and research on vibroacoustic phenomena in machines. Archives of Acoustics, 29(2), 219-234.

Zawieska, W. M., Pleban, D. (2011). Preventing Noise and Vibration During the 60 Years of Activity of the Central Institute for Labour Protection-National Research Institute. Archives of Acoustics, 36(1), 161-171.

Żera J., Młyński R. (2004). Attenuation of outside noise by shotblasting helmets. Archives of Acoustics 29, 2, 347-358.

Żera, J., Młyński, R. (2005). Attenuation of impulse noise by hearing protectors: effect of impulse Aduration. Archives of Acoustics, 30(4), 241.

Żera, J., Młyński, R. (2006). Efficiency of attenuating high-level acoustic impulses with double protection (earplugs and earmuffs used simultaneously). Archives of Acoustic, 31(4) Sup., 319.

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